Starting this blog has been insanely hard for me. I have been collating ideas for blog posts for years now, some just headings some well researched articles, but none published ever. Tried by creating a medium account, then a substack account, then thought of publishing snippets on LinkedIn, but never posted a word. Like all things in nature I too am caught in a duality. I’m both an introvert and an extrovert. Can’t say a word to a stranger but can share things that most people would label as deeply personal half an hour into any conversation.
But I have now finally decided to jump into it head-on. I have always believed in pushing the boundaries of my personality, get into things that scare the shit out of me to find the next growth opportunity. My strategy to win is to write as if I was speaking to one of my PMs. Despite the introvert side of my nature, I love brainstorming, teaching, discussing with my team. But these sessions are more often than not spontaneous, starting with a topic and ending with a whiteboard full of scribbling. I also love mindmaps, I have found them insanely effective in channelising my thoughts and allowing me to think through things deeply and widely at the same time. So most of these blogs would be organised as bullet lists, a coarse proxy to my mindmaps. I will also attach a gif of the mindmap as a summary of the blog whenever relevant.
I am already feeling the butterflies in my stomach, ideas ready to jump out into mindmaps in my brain and, also a tinge of fear in my heart. I know this feeling all too well, it’s how I have felt before all of my life changing decisions, decisions that helped me grow exponentially.